Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hello World!

Hello world! My name is Derek, and this is my blog for Mr. Olson's awesome chemistry class.

          A little bit about myself: As I said, my name is Derek, and I am in Mr. Olson's chemistry class. I am a sophomore in high school. Science is my favorite school subject. My favorite type of science is biology, but chemistry is a pretty close second. When I grow up, I hope to go to Stanford University, and work at a biotechnology company (specifically Genentech in South San Francisco).

          Yesterday, we did a very interesting lab. We mixed chemicals in a plastic bag, and observed what happened. The chemicals we used were table salt, road salt (used to melt ice on roads), baking soda, citric acid (present in many soft drinks), and cabbage juice. The reactions were very interesting. One of them turned hot, and another turned cold. It's strange to think that fairly common household products can react like that.

          I read in interesting article in ScienceNews today. It was (to be continued...)